Seed starting DIY trays
Garden, Urban Homesteading

DIY Seed Starting Trays

Seed starting can become expensive when you are new. I wanted an alternative to the seed starting trays that would be cheaper and would hold up longer. I went on a trip to my local dollar tree with this in mind and came up with a solution that I’ve used for 3 years now. I’m very happy with the results.

Needed for seed starting trays

  • Dollar Tree SureFresh reusable plastic cupcake containers with lids, link here. Each container has 9 spots for cupcakes.
  • Nine cups to hold the seeds for each cupcake container you purchase. So if you purchase 3 cupcake containers you will want twenty-seven cups for seeds. Whatever you use as a cup for your seeds make sure it fits between the cupcake holder and lid.
  • Seed starting mix
  • Seeds of your choice
seed starting items needed

Seed starting container options

  • Foam cups, link to what I use
  • Yogurt cups – Noosa and Activia fit well
  • Bathroom cups
  • K cups
seed starting cup alternatives

More about the cups

I use foam cups as my seed starting containers. The foam cups that I purchase do not fit between the cupcake container and lid so I have to make a cut around the cups. This way works really well and is inexpensive but I feel guilty using the cups because they are not recyclable and I specifically purchase them to do seed starting with. What I do like about them though is they are easy to create drain holes in and you can write directly on the cup.

This year I started thinking about better options for seed starts and I saved yogurt cups and k cups. What I really like about them is that I’m recycling something I’ve already used. I believe I’ll be able to use them in years to come.  Also I’m not spending an added expense. Lastly, with the k cups I dump out the used coffee grounds into my compost. Wins all around!

Seed Starting Directions

  1. Take the container of your choice and puncture three or four drain holes at the bottom.
  2. Next take your seed starting mix and add a little water so that your mix is able to clump but not soaking wet.
  3. Add the seed mix to the cups
  4. Follow the directions on your seed packet to plant your seeds using the cups
  5. Be sure to label your seed cups
  6. Place seed cups in the cupcake containers and click the lid on
  7. Be sure to keep the soil damp and when you see germination remove the lid so the plants can breathe. You can remove germinated cups from the container if you are still waiting on others to germinate.
  8. Now you will want to set the cupcake containers in a sunny area. I have a post on creating a DIY greenhouse here.

What I love about these DIY seed starting trays

My first year trying to garden I had purchased a couple seed trays. They were at least five dollars apiece and some of them didn’t come with a dome. The next year I noticed my seed trays had cracked. What a disappointment. These seed starting trays are more durable. I’ve found it helpful that they have a carrying handle and you can click them closed.

Seed starting DIY tray

Try them for yourself

These seed starting trays are an inexpensive, easy DIY project that’s great for beginners. Once you try it you’ll want to do more. My first year I started with about five cupcake containers and since then my collection has grown. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

If you enjoyed this post check out How to Organize Your Seeds and Creating a DIY Greenhouse.

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