Cleaning, Family Life

Car Seat Cleaning Hack

I’m excited to share an easy car seat cleaning hack with you all. It started as I was cleaning out the car to prepare for another long road trip when I noticed just how filthy my son’s car seat was. Then I got to thinking about it and I’m embarrassed to say it’s been a year since I’ve cleaned it. The last time was right before our messy move from Virginia to Georgia. Things got chaotic and life happens, you all know how that goes. Anyways, I wasn’t planning on sharing this but after the car seat fabric went through its cycle in the washer it was very obvious that it was still filthy. I was upset for a moment as I thought it must be stained but then it dawned on me the night before I watched my husband trying to remove a stain from a shirt and he used a little scrub brush.

Items needed for car seat cleaning hack

  • Stain remover for fabric. Make sure it is safe for your car seat.
  • Medium strength bristled brush. You don’t want anything too heavy duty otherwise it might wreck the fabric. You also don’t want it to be too soft or else it won’t be strong enough to remove the stains.

That’s it. Put some good ol’ fashioned elbow grease into it and you’ve got everything you need.


  1. Take the stain remover and spray all over the dirty areas.
  2. Next grab your brush and really get in there, brushing back and forth and in little circles, clockwise then counterclockwise. I had to reapply the stain remover again on a few stubborn spots and I just kept working it with the brush. I could already see a huge improvement before putting it back into the washer.
  3. Next wash the fabric like you normally would and hang to dry.
  4. To clean the plastic part of the car seat, first I vacuumed out the crumbs.
  5. Then I took a cleaning rag with some dish soap and warm water and wiped down the nasty spots.
  6. There were still little crevices that had smashed in crumbs so I used a toothpick to clear them out and wiped them with the cleaning rag again. 
  7. After the car seat fabric dries you can reassemble it and place it back in your car.
After car seat cleaning hack

If it wouldn’t have been for the stain on my shirt the night before and watching my husband remove it, I would have thought our car seat was doomed to look grimy forever. This method worked phenomenally, and it’s one more thing off the check list of stuff to do before the road trip. I encourage you all to try this hack if you have tough to remove stains.

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1 Comment

  1. Rosie says:

    Who would of thought,nice to know!

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